AWS Lambda vs. Google Cloud Functions

October 29, 2021

AWS Lambda vs. Google Cloud Functions

Serverless computing has been gaining popularity in recent years because it allows developers to run code without managing servers. Two popular serverless computing platforms are AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. In this post, we will compare the two platforms in terms of speed, cost, and functionality.


Speed is critical when it comes to serverless computing. AWS Lambda supports up to 3.2 GHz of compute power, while Google Cloud Functions supports up to 2.5 GHz. However, both platforms offer high-performance computing, ensuring that your functions are executed promptly.

AWS Lambda executes functions in 100 millisecond increments, while Google Cloud Functions does it in 50 millisecond increments. While 50 milliseconds may seem like a small difference, it can add up when executing multiple functions. In terms of cold start time, AWS Lambda is generally slower than Google Cloud Functions, as AWS needs to spin up a new container every time a function is executed.


Cost is a critical factor when choosing a serverless computing platform. AWS Lambda charges based on the duration of your functions execution, rounded up to the nearest 100 millisecond increment. Google Cloud Functions also charges based on the duration of your function's execution, rounded up to the nearest 100 millisecond increment. In terms of pricing, Google Cloud Functions is generally more cost-efficient than AWS Lambda for short execution times.


Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions support multiple programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and Java. In terms of deployment options, AWS Lambda supports container images, while Google Cloud Functions only supports ZIP archives. However, both platforms integrate with multiple services, providing data storage, queueing, and authentication services.

AWS Lambda provides CI/CD integration, making it easier to build, test and deploy functions as part of an automated deployment pipeline. Google Cloud Functions requires users to use other Google services like Cloud Build to achieve similar automation.


In summary, AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are both powerful platforms for building serverless applications. When it comes to speed, AWS Lambda supports compute speeds of up to 3.2 GHz, but Google Cloud Functions have a lower cold start time. With regards to cost, Google Cloud Functions are generally more cost-efficient than AWS in terms of short execution times. Both platforms offer similar functionality with support for multiple programming languages, excellent integrations, and deployment options.

Ultimately, the choice between AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions boils down to your specific application and your budget. We recommend thoroughly evaluating the requirements of your application before choosing between either service.


  1. AWS Lambda Pricing
  2. Google Cloud Functions Pricing

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